Photo Description:
This photo shows a 19-year-old client who is wearing a Chêneau brace to prevent and improve scoliosis. The client is engaged in walking practice to support their posture and optimize spinal alignment.
By wearing the Chêneau brace during walking practice, the client can promote the correction of their posture while utilizing muscles throughout the body. This combination encourages the spine to move toward a more centered position, helping to prevent further curvature and promoting overall improvement in spinal alignment.
Study Reference:
Research has demonstrated the corrective benefits of physical activity combined with the use of the Chêneau brace. A study published in Scoliosis and Spinal Disorders (2017) highlights that engaging in exercise while wearing the Chêneau brace can enhance the treatment of scoliosis by actively involving the musculoskeletal system in posture correction. This approach has been shown to increase the effectiveness of the brace in maintaining proper spinal alignment and reducing the progression of scoliosis over time.
Adress: Physiocenter,
E-building, Tokyo Jikaei Medical university hospital,
3-19-18 , Nishi-shinbashi, Minatoku, Tokyo
Contact e-mail: ( Kosaku Ota : Schroth scoliosis therapist, Physiotherapist )