This is an explanation of "stem cell therapy," which has recently become a treatment option for people with osteoarthritis of the hip joint.
One of the causes of osteoarthritis is acetabular dysplasia, a condition in which the hip joint wears out due to the weight being supported by a small area of the joint. Stem cell therapy" is sometimes used to improve the symptoms of such joints. In most cases, stem cell therapy is performed by harvesting fat from the abdomen, culturing the stem cells, and returning them to the hip joint. Stem cells themselves have been shown to repair damaged tissue and are used in a variety of therapeutic areas. Currently, stem cell therapy for hip joints is a new treatment that is not covered by medical insurance.
At the PhysioCenter, many patients with osteoarthritis of the hip joint use the service after undergoing "stem cell therapy. This is because even if the hip joint symptoms are alleviated after the stem cell therapy, if the posture, walking style, or lifestyle that puts a burden on the hip joint continues, the extra burden on the hip joint may not be alleviated, making it difficult for the patient to fully benefit from the effects of the stem cell therapy. We offer the best exercises to support the effects of "stem cell therapy" to the maximum extent.
The Center provides this service at its own expense. If you are interested in our services, please contact us.
The Jikei University Hospital, Ward E, 2F
Physio Center
Kosaku Ota ( Physicaltherapist )